Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Overclocked and striped UI

I have spent a fair amount of time in the past week tweaking my overclocked rendering rig i use at studio. I've been running my Intel i7930 2.8Ghz(133 bclk X 21Multiplier ) at a %150 overclock of 4.2Ghz (196 bclk x 21) but have never been able to break 51 Gflops in bench mark tests.

untill.... i discovered some UI tweaks in windows 7. I dorped the themes from windows and buttons, got rid of animations, drop shadows, transparency, as well as other bells and whistles that come with windwos 7. I also droped a bunch of unused services from msconfig from running in the background like fax, telephony, bitlocker, quicktime, among others... (this hasn't caused any major problems yet other than itunes wont run, which i'm not concerned with since i've been using foobar2000 lately to save on system resourcs during rendered sun path animations)

The results: a benchmark that breaks 51 Gflops! and on top of that, that score was achieved with a milder overclock (190 x 21) for 3.88 Ghz

I decided to tune down the overclock because i've been haveing some stability issues and wanted to see if the CPU was the culprite or if my memory latencys were off. So far it's been behaving and makes it through 8 threaded Burn tests at max load while staying under 80c temp.

Unfortunately i don't have all day to nerd out on my computer... school calls.
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